Hello! Im here to clear the dust! Long time no see! :D
Attachment has ended, and school has started. This is week2 of school, and i am here experiencing pre-school symptoms, like not able to wake up for school. LOL.
How has school been? Mine has been extremely boring, with very strict lecturers and work piling on even for the first week. Pls save me! In weeks to come, fyp deadlines and common tests are going to come.
If you want your christmas, you have to pass them first.
Anyway, i spent my time recently keep watching Gossip Girls. Its nice! HAHAHA! Someone please tell me when season3 ends, so that i will know. LOL.
Okays, thats all for today. I guess i will update more often since im back in school (i hoped). HAHHA. No promise though. See ya! :D Have a great day! :D
♥ 1:28 PM
This whole week is a hectic one. Same goes for next week. Unbelievable because our ITP is coming to an end soon. But i definitely enjoy working with my guys at the office. They are loveable! AHAHA!
Anyway we were brought up by our supervisor Ariel and another SPO to the rooftop for a site inspection and it was really cool but scary. It is also very dangerous. One mistake or slip and you can say byebye to your life. Phew~
Let me allow the pictures to do the talking. Btw, the building we went to was 30storeys high.
This is Mak Teng Loong's back view. Oh, btw he was so scared that he sat down on the roof once hes up there!!! :D

This is Gerald. HAHAHAH! Grass hair boy!

This is Ariel, my supervisor!

All of us crowding!

Views from 30 storeys rooftop.

Water tank inspection! 2m high man!

The mini walkway to walk to the staircase to the roof! We have to passed by all the pumps! :(

Antenna on the roof!

The SPO!

And the rubbish chute! :(

SP interns and me!! Messy hair though!

And lastly, my supervisor and me! :)

This trip has so many funny incidents that made all of us laugh like mad. Especially when the SPO opened the water tank, lizards came running out and all the girls came jumping around on the rooftop which was super dangerous but the most funny thing is Gerald and my supervisor actually held on to the railing tightly afraid that we will push them and fall! HAHAHA!
Okay, thats all for this week. Lets hope I will have a happy and less tiring week next week! :D
Jiayous! :D
♥ 5:08 PM